Rosella, The Red Antioxidant Rich
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Chap pointed petals with light red color is very appealing to eyes. Today, many people menyeduhnya as a health drink rich in benefits. The red is apparently already long existed in Indonesia.
Tea is usually made from the Camelia Sinensis tea plant but lately a lot of people love tea Rosella. This tea comes from the roselle flower petals, its Latin name Hibiscus sabdariffa dried. Not only in Indonesia, the red flower is also already known and consumed in Thailand, Mexico, Arabic and even since the days of ancient Egypt.
This plant has been there all the time in Indonesia, although this plant originated from India and Africa. In ancient times people familiar with the name frambozen roselle. Often used for syrup with a beautiful reddish color and a slightly sweet sour scent. Almost in all corners of Indonesia know this plant.
Rosella flowers are usually already cooked, picked, taken petals and set aside the hard middle part. Petals can be dried or can be brewed with hot water directly, such as making the tea brewed. There also are adding a little lemon juice and natural honey. Even now, there have been a much more practical is sold in teabag form. This tea is sold at herbal medicine shops, pharmacies and supermarkets, the tea and coffee.
Not only delicious to drink, this roselle tea sangant many benefits for health. The most striking is the extremely high antioxidant content. The content of these antioxidants can reduce free radicals that trigger cancer cell growth. The more dark or dark red color, the higher levels of antikoksidannya and it is also more acidic. In addition roselle can also increase your stamina and endurance, overcome cough and sore throat, normalize blood sugar levels.

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