Ling Zhi Mushroom LIFE

Diposting oleh golden life herbal | 09.01 | | 0 komentar »

Ling Zhi Mushroom LIFE


Fungal efficacy Ling zhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) in china so legendary, that since the since the reign of Emperor Shi Huang Tie (259 M). And in this modern era, the legend is open naturally.
There are some names of mushrooms called Ling Zhi, namely:
Arabic - Al-Kummah., Meaning Panasea.
China - Ling Zhi, meaning fungus lives.
Japan - Mannentake, meaning mushroom mushroom of immortality or 10,000 years.
Reishi, mushroom spiritual meaning.
Saiwatake, meaning fungus luck.
Malaysia - toadstool

Some research done on Ling Zhi mushroom to identify properties, namely:
Department of Pharmacology "Health Science Center, Peking University, meniliti mice induced by tumor cells pebtida sarkoma180.Kemudian given polysaccharide extracted from Reishi with a dose of 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg per kg of body weight, and the result can inhibit tumor growth in mice respectively 35.2%, 45.2% and 61.6%.

Research conducted by Lee Sheng Shiuh, Department of Biochemistry National Yang-Ming University, Taipei. Ie on Reishi Polysaccharides can stimulate blood mononuclear cells to meproduksi cytosine, TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-1b and IL-6 which acts LeukimiaU937 inhibit cell proliferation.
Ling Zhi in every 100 grams of organic Germanium is contained within the Geo 6000-12000 ppm Mycelium or sporophore which serves to maintain the durability of the body organs and neutralize toxic materials, as well as compounds containing tapenoid, protein, fiber and sulfur which act as antioxidants which destroy free radicals.
High antioxidant content of Zhi Ling came from a red pigment which is owned Ling Zhi mushroom. With the workings of attack and isolate the cancer cells so that other body cells do not spread.

What causes Ling Zhi ... powerful in overcoming cancer?

Ling zhi polysaccharide compounds which contain beta-related molecules, scientific fact is what drives Dr. Raymond Chang, MD, FACP of the Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center in New York, recommends who underwent chemo or radiotherapy for taking Ling Zhi 5-10 ram per day, which is useful for preventing the spread of cancer cells metastesis or to other organs.
There are two kinds of Ling Zhi consumed by society in general, namely Ling Zhi Ling Zhi cultivated and originating from the catchment in nature.

Everything has the same efficacy in healing. But Ling Zhi caught from the wild three years old or older is more sought after by society in general, because its benefit is more truly great and extraordinary strength is doubled propagators in the cultivation.

Various kinds of diseases can be cured denagn Ling Zhi
Treating Lung Cancer
Esophagus and stomach, accompanied by symptoms of weakness of the vital energy
The function of blood cells or decrease in the immune system
Asthma Hepatitis
Coronary heart
High blood cholesterol
Breast Cancer
Decreased white blood cells (leukopenia)
Smaller brain size
Prevention of premature aging
Cancer and Tumors

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