Medicinal Plants (Herbal) for Treatment

Diposting oleh golden life herbal | 07.33 | , | 0 komentar »

There are several reasons why people tend to return to the traditional drugs of medicinal plants:

1. Of the weakness of modern medicine / chemical drugs

* Side effects directly or accumulate, this happens because modern medicine made from pure chemicals are either single or mixed. Chemicals are not organic and pure that is sharp and reactive (easily react) while our bodies are organic and complex, so that chemicals are not really material suitable for the body. Use of chemicals to the body must be made with various restrictions and the level can still be accepted or tolerated by the body.
* Often less effective for certain diseases, this can we see a lot of diseases not yet found the cure, so the drugs used are more symptomatic and are used continuously according to the symptoms. Several diseases have not even known why. Patients often must be repeated to a clinic and not much progress or even worsening the situation.

2. Excess presence of Medicinal Plants

* The side effects do not exist unless its use correctly, it is considering a medicinal plant which is complex and organically suited to the body that is complex and organically, so that medicinal plants can be synchronized with the food, a substance that is consumed with the intention of reconstructing the damaged organ or system.
* Effective for diseases that are difficult to kill with chemical drugs, such as cancer, tumors, high blood pressure, low blood, diabetes, hepatitis, stroke, sinusitis, herpes, body odor, boils and others.
* Prices are relatively cheap, because it can be planted alone, the price will increase if obtained in dry form, and will increase again if obtained in the form of processed products. Prices will be very expensive if the isolates obtained in the form of certain compounds derived from plant extracts, such as vincristine, a cancer drug isolated from the extract of vinca (Catharanthus roseus) and imported.
* No need medical assistance, if the diagnosis is obvious, treatment can generally be done by their own family members without having to depend on the help of medical or paramedical personnel. Doctors required for the correct diagnosis with the aid of clinical laboratory analysis (also herbal treatment recommendations can be given by a physician).

3. Medicinal plants as alternative medicine

Based on these considerations, the medicinal plants has been accepted as an alternative medicine and even officially recommended for use by practitioners in the health world, even the Ministry of Health issued an appeal to doctors using medicine Original Indonesian traditional medicinal plants in the form of the drug. Pharmaceutical companies which had been a drug manufacturer has been producing chemical raw material drug with medicinal plants with traditional recipes. Awareness of this reality, the use of medicinal plants began to be accepted back by society as a treatment alternative and natural ways of health maintenance and safety.

Understanding alternative medicine:

* Patients with certain diseases that attack is still in its early stages may choose to use medication with medicinal plants in order to prevent the development of the disease and eliminate symptoms.
* Patients with serious illnesses can select treatment using medicinal herbs in order to avoid the adverse effects of drugs and chemicals with cheaper prices.
* Patients who have severe disease and had to face a drastic medical measures such as surgery, amputation or radioactive radiation can choose to use medication with medicinal plants in order to avoid such drastic medical measures.
* Patients with a disease that the doctor can not be helped anymore can still keep trying to heal itself by using medicinal plants.

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